Spain. The country of happiness, relaxing, good food and drinks, beach, palm trees and loads of sun. If you think of Spain, you will probably get a happy imagination in your head. Of course these are the biggest parts of this beautiful country, but did you already know Spain dangerous travel tips you must do? Spain is also a country which has got an exciting and dangerous part. No, we are not talking about terrorism or vandalism. We are talking about dangerous activities to do in Spain!
Read the Spain dangerous travel tips you must do, if you dare…
As a true Spain lover, courageous person or just interested in doing something totally different: you are on the right page! From the most dangerous and deathly hiking path, to a really weird (but scary) devils jump over new-born babies. If you dare: keep on reading until the end, because we are going to tell you something about the 5 most dangerous activities in Spain. Important note: we recommend you to speak some basic Spanish before you are going to do these activities! This could be very necessary, in case something happens to you and you have to explain the situation. Safety is not guaranteed. Neither these five activities in real-life, nor reading this article. Enter and read at your own risk!

#5: El Colacho – Devils jump over babies
The baby jumping festival – in Spanish known as ‘’El Colacho’’ – could be something really new to you. This village’s religious feast of Corpus Christi is not like the well-known tradition. Instead of gently dunking the new born baby’s head under cleansing waters, the new born babies are during this feast cleansed in a totally different way. When this feast started is not really clear, but at least back in the early 1600s. During this holiday, parents with new born babies take their little sprouts out for this holy feast. They lay them in neat rows of soft pillows that are laid down on the streets. While the parents watch, the men dressed in yellow and red costumes (and masks) begin filling the crowd. They terrorizing everyone and whipping bystanders with switches. They jump over the little babies and herewith perform the cleansing ritual. Before parents take their baby away, the babies will be sprinkled with rose petals. This holy feast is against the Papal Grain, because they would prefer a more traditional baptism. This Spain dangerous travel tips you must do takes place in Castrillo de Murcia, Sasamón (province of Burgos).
#4: Bull running Spain
A typical Spanish tradition is the bull fighting in Spain. There are a lot people who love this tradition, but there are also a lot of people who hate this tradition. Either way we like it or definitely not, it is still something to put in this list. This dangerous activity contains of crowds of people who run a race with six bulls. The parkour is 850 meters long and leading through narrow streets to the city’s bull ring. The bulls will be tortured during this whole event, and they will die at the end.

#3: Junta de los Rios – Canyoning in the wild rivers of Andalusia
Junta de los Rios is the point where two rivers meet each other. The River Verde (the Green river) and the River Negro (the black river). They both form really tall waterfalls and crystal clear, deep rock pools. The river Verde is one of Spanish most hazardous rivers and perfect for activities as canyoning. To experience the Junta de los Rios in the fullest way, you can join a group tour for canyoning. You can also hike next to the rivers, and this is definitely also a must-do! You will see the most beautiful nature and a totally different side of Spain. The office – where you can have acces to the Junta de los Rios, if you are going to hike this wonderful path – is closed on Mondays, but opened on Tuesdays to Sundays from 10.00 – 19.00. The entrance fee is 5 euros per person and a further 5 euro for the car. This dangerous, but also very beautiful activity takes place in Otivar, Granada.
#2: Rio Noguera Pallaresa – Roughly rafting
We would highly recommend this Spain dangerous travel tips you must do. In Spain, you can find several places to do a white water rafting. You have nice and highly regarded white water rafting locations also in Valencia, Murcia and Galicia. Still, we would recommend the Noguera Pallaresa River in the Pyrenees the most. This river has got the best volume of water and an amazing range of canyons. The rafting trails are divided in different degrees. Class one is the easiest one, and class six is the most difficult one. During spring, the water level is on his highest and the rapids can reach the 5th class. Dare to watch a sample of this rafting!
#1: El Caminito del Rey – The most deathly hiking path
Number one on our top 5 Spain dangerous travel tips you must do must be: El Caminito del Rey (the King’s Little Pathway)! Internationally known as the most deadly and dangerous hiking paths, because a couple of people died while following this hiking path. After 5 deadly accidents from 1999 to 2000 occurred, this hiking path had been renovated and reopened in 2015. This place has been awarded for emerging tourist destination. Do you dare to walk this path? Visit their official website and upload a picture on Instagram including #Suspanish while hiking (or better after)!