Arriving at part two about the history of Salamanca, we are going to talk about the developments of the city from the 15th century. How there was a fight for Salamanca by two noble families and the construction of the most important buildings in Salamanca self.
The history of Salamanca from the 15th century
Salamanca was divided into two halves, San Benedito and Santo Tome in the 15th century. Two rival noble families faced each other and at that time and had quarrels in Salamanca. By establishing a guild for livestock farmers, called the Concejo de la Mesta, Salamanca became increasingly important as a center for textile making and exporting wool. In 1218, the most famous and oldest university in Spain was founded by King Alfonso IX, in Salamanca. At that time, two cathedrals were built.
In 1520, the city of Salamanca joined the Comunidades de Castilla, a covenant of several cities and regions protesting against new taxes imposed by King Charles I of Spain. At one point these revolts were crushed and Charles I of Spain demolished the palaces of his opponents in Salamanca.
In the 16th century the population of Salamanca grew to about 24,000 inhabitants, this is an important development in the history of Salamanca. Especially because there were around 6500 students and the most important intellectuals of that time studied at the University of Salamanca.
Although the city had become one of the most important cities in Spain, it was completely ruined in 1812. The Battle of Salamanca has caused centuries-old college buildings, palaces and roads to be destroyed. This is all known as ‘the battle of Arapiles’ and was during the Napoleonic Wars.
Main sights
Universidad de Salamanca
An important building in the history of Salamanca is the University of Salamanca. It is possible to get a tour with an audio guide for about ten euros. Especially the library is a masterpiece of this building, you can only view it behind glass.
Casa de las Conchas
Another very special building is Casa de las Conchas, the house with the shells. It is a building that contains more than 300 shells on the outside. Most likely it is a reference to the family arms of Juana de Pimentel.
Salamanca has an old and a new cathedral. One was built in the 12th century and the new one was built in the 16th century. Especially the old cathedral is huge and contains a lot of art and architecture from the history of Salamanca.
Convento de las Dueñas
Last but not least, one of the highlights in the history of Salamanca; the Convento de las Dueñas. A monastery for Dominicans. Especially the courtyard is a picture!
Don’t wait any longer and book your trip to Salamanca now!